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ToLabor Training

The first weekend of May was one I had been looking forward to for a few months. Emily Landry, of  Emily Landry Birth Services  was able to bring Thérèse Hak-Kuhn a ToLabor workshop instructor here to Tulsa for a 3 day, 26 hour intensive doula training. 

One of my favorite parts of the training included having pregnant women come and allow us to learn to palpate and use a fetoscope to hear their baby's hearts. 

I really enjoyed the conversations we had together as women who were interested in the process of birth and soaking up as much information as we could. Thérèse led group discussions that allowed everyone to participate in a way that was conducive to our learning environment. 


Here is a breakdown I took from the ToLabor website of our 3 days with Thérèse. 

Day One ~ Friday 10:00 – 6:30

Registration and Introductions
Defining Our Role
Understanding the Dance of Labor: The 4 P’s
Gate Control: Three Ways to Reduce
Pain in Labor
Tools of the Trade: Comfort Measures,
Using the 5 Senses

Day Two ~ Saturday 9:00 – 7:00
Physiological “Normal” Labor & Birth
vs “Typical Birth”
Birth Plans & BRAIN
Experiential Learning: Touching & Listening with Pregnant Volunteers
Breathing, Relaxation & Positions in Labor

Day Three ~ Sunday 9:00 – 7:00
Cesarean Sections & VBACs
Experiential Learning: Vaginal Exams, Creating a Safe Space
Birth Scenarios
Working with Interventions
Ethical Guidelines for Birth Doulas
Working with Interventions: What, Why, When, Options
Designing Your Practice: Services, Compensation, Marketing, Contracts

Going into the training, I was hoping to gain different perspectives on birth and being a doula. To fellowship with like minded women, and to connect with doulas that would maybe potentially send me a photography client or two. I am so happy to say that I was able to do all of these things. I really enjoyed my time with these women and I gained so much knowledge. Thank you Emily for bringing this workshop to Tulsa again and thank you to Thérèse for spending 3 days sharing your knowledge. 


To learn more about ToLabor and to find a workshop near you, please visit ToLabor.com